Villagers & Entertainers of Queensferry
Step back through the ages to a time long past, to Queensferry, Scotland in the Spring of 1540 A.D. - where the villagers gather to make merry and celebrate the arrival of their beloved Monarchs!
Visit with members of the Royal Courts of Queen Etain and Queen Marie de Guise as they renew the Ancient Alliance.
Queen Etain of the Fae Folk
The Peoples of Queensferry
Queen Margaret Tudor
Queen Marie de Guise
Queen Etain of the Fae Folk
The Auldmon
Alexander Silver, Traveling Bard
Mick & His Privates
Random Acts
Regalia International, Birds of Prey
Fugli , Wandering Minstrel
Caryls Shael , Dulcimer Mistress
Skydancer Productions, Aerialist
Red McWilliams , Americas Celt
Doug Russell, Wandering Minstrel
The 2024 Performer Application is now Available for Download!
Red McWilliams is the recipient of the 2023 "Kerridwynn" award for the best outstanding Performing Artist.
Be sure to stop by the Festival Booth to cast YOUR vote for the recipient of this award named in Honor of our own Lord Kerridwynn, Royal Bard.